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Brandles School

Part of Brighter Futures Educational Trust

School Meals

Between them, parents/carers and students will choose whether to opt for a meal supplied by the school or to bring in their own packed lunch.

Packed lunches are collected from the boys at the beginning of the day and refrigerated until lunchtime.

We are a 'Healthy School' so we encourage boys to bring in a well-balanced meal choice; energy drinks, fizzy drinks, chewing gum and sweets are not permitted in packed lunches.

If students do opt for a meal provided by school, they will choose their options at the beginning of the day.  The usual selection will include the hot meal of the day, a vegetarian option, jacket potato with filling or a roll with a choice of filling.

Our lunchtime is from 12:50pm to 1:30pm.  All boys are called up in class groups to collect their lunch and eat in the dining hall.  There are supervised activities for the boys to engage in before and after they have eaten.