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Brandles School

Part of Brighter Futures Educational Trust


Admissions Arrangements

Brandles School is one of four secondary SEMH schools in Hertfordshire. Under normal circumstances pupils would be required to attend the nearest school to their home address, unless there was an agreed requirement for residential provision.

All pupils at Brandles have an Educational, Health and Care Plan (EHCP).

When a young person is being considered for admission to an SEMH school their case is heard at a Provisions Panel which decides the type of school that would best meet their needs.

Following this a Placement Panel meets to allocate an actual provision. This is normally the closest provision available, but alternatives can be suggested if the closest provision is at or over its capacity.

Once a place has been allocated at Brandles we arrange a visit for the pupil with parents / carers and soon after, a home visit. As soon as transport has been organised a start date is agreed between Brandles and the parents/carers.

Brandles School primarily educates pupils from the North Hertfordshire and Stevenage areas, with a few pupils from slightly further away or from neighbouring counties.

Brandles is funded to educate 70 pupils.


Please click here to view our Admissions Policy.