Schools Visions and Values
Brandles School is a safe, supportive and nurturing environment. Our enriching opportunities empower individuals to be aspirational and thrive in all aspects of life.
How can we all show the Brandless Values:
- Respect others in the school regardless of race, SEN needs, sexual orientation or identity.
- Respect the learning of others.
- All students to respect the property in school.
- Teach within a therapeutic nature.
- Follow Herts Steps.
- Staff role model respect within their behaviours.
- Parents/Carers to role model respectful behaviours towards staff.
- Parents/Carers to help students to know how to be respectful towards the fabric of the building.
- Show kind, empathetic behaviours towards others.
- Be helpful where you can.
- Staff to offer a 360 wrap around care for all families when needed.
- All staff to follow students plans.
- Parents/Carers to take note of positive messages sent home and to celebrate them with students.
- Help students with their goals for the future and take them to open evenings/clubs etc.
- Have a goal for the future.
- Want to get good grades.
- Look at college placements for post 16.
- Continuous CPD on SEN needs and teaching and learning.
- All lessons to be good or better.
- Help with home learning.
- Work with the school by attending any courses/information evenings put on.